I am

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com

I am from this neighborhood

full of children

From News Papers

that served many purposes,

reading was the least of them.

I am from the smell

of books and

warm food always ready to eat.

I am from the land of Araguaney

which always reminds me

to be proud

of the color of my skin

as it is proud of its

bright yellow leaves.

From my mom and

from my dad

I am from summer vacations

at our relatives’ homes

because we

could not afford a resort

And from the loud chat

where everyone

attempted to talk at the same time.

I am from a Catholic community

seasoned with a bit of changó.

I am from Venezuela

a beautiful land

my fellas

From cachapas, arepas y ron

from movements with guaguancó

and from precious memories

of my childhood

where I was formed

with a fortress that

I would never know

I would use to hide

from what was to come.

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